Woman Files Lawsuits After ‘Diet’ Noodles Put Her in the Hospital

Anyone who has read one of the numerous websites dedicated to keto-friendly diets will likely have read at least one article about konjac noodles. They are a high-fiber, low-carb, and low-calorie pasta substitute made from the stem of the plant. Konjac noodles can also be found as shirataki noodles or, under various brands, are now an essential ingredient for people following the keto diet or gluten-sensitive people who may have considered killing anyone for a bite of the Never Ending Pasta Bowl.


Although it has been eaten in some parts of Asia since the 6th century, its widespread use elsewhere may result from its alleged effect on weight loss. Since it’s mainly water and fiber, consuming it can make you feel full.

Because it’s mostly fiber and water within Japan, konnyaku is often referred to in Japan as “a broom for the stomach,” because it tends to rid your digestive system of toxins straight out. Particular konjac enthusiasts have discovered that consuming large amounts of soluble fiber in a single meal is dangerous. Carol Brodie, a jewelry designer and Home Shopping Network host is one of them.

The summer before, Brodie was eager to test the noodles and was particularly interested to learn that each bag had approximately 25 calories. “If I ate three or four bags of this, I was still looking at around 100 calories, so how great is that?” she stated to NBC New York. “And I was going to get to fill up!”

That’s precisely what she did place her Amazon order for the Better Than Pasta brand Konjac noodles and took four of them. “All of a sudden, I started getting the most horrendous tightening and pulling cramps,” she explained. “I felt like I was dying. I felt like I was choking to death.”

She visited the hospital, and doctors found that the noodles that were not digested formed a solid indigestible mass known as bezoar inside her digestive tract. As a result, she claims she was required to adhere to a strict diet that consisted of nothing but “soup and Diet Coke” for longer than 30 days.


VICE asked two friends to swap their Thailand itinerary to find out the extent to which it allowed them to see something of Thailand that–and them–that they wouldn’t otherwise.

Fried silkworms are a popular snack in Thailand. Would you get your protein fix in this manner?

This article was created in collaboration with the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

We all know what we’d like to get from the few days when God (and boss) is willing, we can fly towards our bucket list destination, where everything is new and thrilling.

Suppose you’re talking about Thailand that we’re talking about, a destination that draws all kinds of tourists. In that case, beach lovers will make their way to its beautiful islands; the historians will visit its stunning temples. Bargain-seekers will be dashing the countless markets.

What happens when you ditch your typical travel habits and let yourself be open to new experiences in a place that provides an experience unlike anything else?

We tried this idea by collaborating with Omair and Omair as musicians and friends with vastly divergent personalities. While Omair played on Jon’s fear of slowing down and performance in public, Jon capitalized on Omair’s tendency to control his emotions, which restricted his inclination to adventure. The result? An exciting excursion through a lesser-known part of Thailand. Find out what happened and take notes for the next adventure.

Pitstop #1: Kit Thung massage in Chiang Khan

At this special massage place, masseuses use ropes from the ceiling to walk all over your body.

It is bordered by Laos along with Laos and Cambodia across three sides; the Tableland in northeast Thailand is where the pace of life slows. It is Thailand’s first national park, andd the scenery along the tranquil Mekong River is beautiful. However, Omair discovered a unique thing for an acquaintance in a town in the area known as Chaing Khan: an “only one of its kind in the world” massage in which masseuses make use of ropes suspended over the top of their heads to keep themselves balanced before placing large stones on your stomach to ease back discomfort. This massage changed Jon from being a massage cynic to an unknotted fan in only two hours. “Not usually a fan of massage but that was pretty amazing,” Jon stated.

Pitstop # 2 Stilt wandering through Tai Dam village

Kids from the town are trying to make Omair balance. They were only partly successful.

Tai Dam Cultural Village Tai Dam Cultural Village in the Loei province of Isaan is the home of an ethnic minority who came to Thailand after leaving Laos around 1905. To retaliate against him for his part in what was a fantastic experience, Jon used the unique talents of the kids here, who are skilled at walking on stilts. “Racing on bamboo stilts has been a part of this community’s culture since decades and these kids are naturals,” Jon said. Jon. “Unlike Omair.” What led to children’s laughter as wobbly Omair and a little less shaky Jon began to master new techniques.

Pitstop #3: Dancing in Baan Chiang village

Jon is trying to pick up a Tai Puan dance move.

The sweet and cheerful Mae Pea, a Grandmaster Tai Puan dancer–describes the quaint dance style in Tai Puan as “slow, gentle, graceful” However, the second challenge set by Omair was based on Jon’s biggest nightmare: dancing in public. As you watch Mae Pea sweetly guide Omair to master the steps, you realize that this is how they greet people in their circle.

Pitstop #4: A cook-off in Baan Chiang village

Omair (left) and Jon try to one-up each other in their papaya salad-making skills.

This delicious Som Tam is a green papaya salad recipe that blends the flavors of chili, spicy-sweet, salty, and sweet. At this time, when the two are MasterChef-style, they’re trying to make the most delicious Som Tam using a bit of assistance from a famous local chef who is their instructor and judge. The only issue? She doesn’t speak English!

Pitstop #5 A traditional welcome ceremony in Wangnammok village

The welcome ceremony at Wangnammok makes you feel like a part of their particular community.

It is believed that the Wangnammok village, located in the Nong Khai province in northeast Thailand, is rich in information about culture, and visitors here can learn about the local way of living and their relationships to the natural surroundings. Omair had a specific plan to honor Jon: to be part of the warm welcome ceremony that the locals had organized. “Jon’s avoided any inward-looking activity but, on the inside, I know he’s a big softie,” Omair added. Omair. “And I’m sure he won’t be immune to the charm of these amazing people.”

Omair said it was. Watching Jon being enthralled by these acts of hospitality and warmth makes one wish to witness it all.

Pitstop #6: Munching on silkworms at Chiang Khan market

Silkworms on a stick.

We don’t are aware of it, but the food we eat in the future will include lots of bugs and worms appearing in our meals. They’re not just having less environmental impact on the planet, but they are also full of proteins, and Thailand is leading the way in inclusion in the mainstream of cuisine.


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